Screenwriting & Life... as I've written it so far.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Turns out #37, and NOT Outlining, is the Devil

This week I started the outlining phase of a new project of mine -- a project that I'm already 37 pages into. Typically, I don't outline; never have. High school essays? Fuck 'em. University essays? [censored]. Screenplays? Apparently I get stuck at page 37 without one.

The outline, as I've been told, is a great (and necessary) tool/evil in the screenwriting trade and, for fear of my eventual professional life, I have jumped like a nimble elk onto the band wagon.

Walking into Staples Thursday afternoon, I went straight to the corkboard - I needed a 4x3 board which by the way, once you're holding it, seems excessively big. I figure if this whole writing thing doesn't work out, I'll fasten wood legs to the corners and have myself one Hell of an absorbent dinner table.

Shit, maybe I'll get a second for that purpose alone, success or not.

That, however, is beside the point. I got me a great big cork board, 300 index/recipe cards, and a couple hundred push pins, and I'm on my way. I'm outlining.

I've made it to card 37.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate outlining . . . which could be the reason my screenplays die out at page 20-something.

Good luck!

15/8/06 8:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Corkboard dining room table, ehhh? Not a bad idea.
Send me more of your writing, please!! It's been waaaay too long - I need a script!

19/8/06 9:50 AM


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